Venezuelan Scientific Research Reports Vol. 2 No.2 July 2013

$30.00 (ex. Tax)

The Journal Venezuelan Scientific Research Reports is devoted to publishing reports, articles, and other communications in all fields of science, pure and applied, i.e. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Education, Social Science, Agriculture, Engineering, Medicine, Earth Science, etc.

All articles are subject to review and authors should be current subscribers of the Journal.

Articles are published in Spanish or English. However, all articles shall have an abstract in English and Chinese. The language style is the author’s responsibility. 

Journal content

Computer Science

Enfoque emancipador para la formación en Tecnología de Redes: hacia ciudadanos-profesionales integrales con arraigo nacional, A. Salloum (p45)


Elaioconiosis, S. Salloum (p65)

Social Science

Riesgos socioculturales en comunidades rurales por las externalidades de la explotación de la Faja Petrolífera del Orinoco: perspectiva desde el Distrito San Tomé, S. Milano y Y. Oliveros (p69)

El Puerto de Maturín y la Cruz de los marineros: una visión etnográfica, J. Henriquez (p84)